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Official Photos thread forThe 8th Tiki Central Tiki Crawl -- October 9-12, 2008 IMAGE HEAVY

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I hereby nominate that 2008 Sf Crawl pictures get posted here!

Mr. Smiley is the most thirstiesterest of
Have a nice Tiki Day!
If you like it,it is ZAZZ! If you don't, give it a RAZZ.

[ Edited by: martiki - lots of pix! - 2008-10-14 07:32 ]

When Mai-Tai said he was going help plan this years crawl, I said "Break a leg!". I never thought he was going to delegate that task to Coco Loco!

On 2008-10-13 11:00, mrsmiley wrote:
I hearby nominate that 2008 Sf Crawl pictures get posted here!

So, where are your pictures?


LOTS of pictures - START NOW!

I got tons of great shots. And endless opportunities for captions. Let's get started!



& few more views of the VERY FUN weekend.......

Photos from my funky fisheye analog camera...

I love this camera, but it's real hit or miss, mostly cause I forget to take the lenscap off!

What a great time we had!

A few More from Tiki Crawl 8.

I'll post more ASAP.


Look like y'all did it up proper! Mahalo for posting the pics although not quite the same as being there, the tweets and pics made me a feel a wee bit closer.





[ Edited by: martiki 2008-10-15 08:47 ]




On 2008-10-14 07:26, martiki wrote:

Oooooh! So Nice! (If anyone has doubles and is interested in a trade or sale, PM me - pleeeeez. :))


Hubert having a nightcap at Specs in SF after the Bamboo Hut

wild man Mai Tai and the Jab

Russell and hubert getting their groove on at the Conga Lounge

Conga Lounge insanity!

Chicken X shocked at her cooked family members!

Inside one of the Handicapped Bathrooms at Emeryville Trader Vics

Inside the other Handicapped Bathroom at Emeryville Trader Vics

Chillin' out in the outside patio at Forbidden Island

Mr. Smiley is the most thirstiesterest of
Have a nice Tiki Day!
If you like it,it is ZAZZ! If you don't, give it a RAZZ.

[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2008-10-14 19:31 ]

On 2008-10-14 07:30, martiki wrote:

It was so worth getting up at 7:15 that morning so Chicken X could come to be...

My friends, you have not lived until you have taken a bus ride through the city with these upstarts. The cab rides are even better if you can believe that!

On 2008-10-14 23:19, Chongolio wrote:

My friends, you have not lived until you have taken a bus ride through the city with these upstarts. The cab rides are even better if you can believe that!


Here's a few more ~

Sabu and Humu fear the worst but I look forward to it.

I don’t know what we’re looking at but I like the picture.

Tikitastic celebrates his ninth birthday.

At the end of the drink your bowl becomes filled with Cool Whip® which you can take home.

I had no Idea that Paul and The Jab liked Sailor Jerry Rum so much.

Mai Tai was unable to crawl the first two nights so on the third night he boarded the bus like MacArthur returning to the Philippines. He then proceeded to throw Nabisco snacks at everyone. Which is considered conduct unbecoming a five star general.

Jungle Trader gets a hands on Hula lesson.

:o In a drunken haze my camera and I both think we saw Atomikitty on the bus but she quickly vanished so I'm not sure. I blame tainted dirty third world rum! Mmm tainted dirty third world rum!

The Mai Kai Gents wearing white after Labor Day.

Beep Beep!


I dared Inky Louise to fly home to Las Vegas dressed like this on the airplane. But she wouldn't do it because she was chicken.


On 2008-10-13 22:03, inkylouise wrote:
Photos from my funky fisheye analog camera...

I love this camera, but it's real hit or miss, mostly cause I forget to take the lenscap off!

What a great time we had!

LOVE your Diana pics! now I need to get mine sorted!!!!


Here's a few of mine!


Good to see friends at the crawl again, and mucho mahalos to the organizers! We only made it out for Sat, but had a great time. Here's some of my pics...

Starting at Forbidden Island.

Mrsmiley demonstrates his amazing ability to listen to records by feeling the cover.

A profile in profiles, featuring Monsieur Lemoore.

Dean looking sharp with Naomi.

My first time to the Kona Club, and seeing the beautiful interior.

Alii with fantastic maori shell art, and just a little bit of JenTiki.

Naomi and inky, merging hair.

Now on to Trader Vic's!

Only one Barney West tiki left in the garden out front now.

Trader Vics scenery...

Iuka Gent and tiki.

Martin and Rebecca taking a moment to soak up the atmosphere of a TC nite in the Vic's dining room.

A demonstration of proper tipping procedure.


A selection of pics that prove alcohol destroys those cells...

Mrs. Smiley,
The chicken suit is STUNNING. I commend your fashion taste. And your monkey. I only wish I could have come up there for the Crawl this year. Damn this having to make a living nonsense! BUT... I really enjoyed seeing you and your hubby in Vegas a few weekends ago at the home tour. (I was the gal with the Tikipugs, camera around my neck...)
Thank you for the big laugh with the photos you posted of yourself, especially the one with you in the supermarket.

  • James T.

Big Stone Head / Tiki Road Trip / Left Orbit Temple
Drink with us at: http://www.cocktailsnob.com

[ Edited by: tikibars 2008-10-16 23:59 ]

Yes, the elusive Atomikitty stalked the Tiki Crawl all weekend. . . but never really engaged. . . I was conducting a 'Jane Goodall' ~like observation experiment.
The results are very interesting and will be published soon. . . .

Nah, that sounds good, but really it just came down to too much fun for one weekend, gorgeous sunshine, and my poor time management.
It became almost comical~every time we got somewhere, it was just in time to see the happy revelers loading up on the bus to be whisked off to the next destination!

So, if we got to hang out, then I say 'WOW it was SO GREAT to see you all!
If we didn't get to hang out, "DUDE, I am so BUMMED we didn't get to hang out.'

What I got to experience, it was a FANTASTIC EVENT and a FANTASTIC WEEKEND!
Thank you to all the organizers and revelers! The fabulous drinks and wonderful company lead to a memorable weekend.
Forbidden Island. . . if it was legal I would marry you. . .

BEWARE the Blondes with the LETHAL bamboo purses!

Sailor Jerry IS the BEST EVER!

OMG! Adam's Smiling!

This is my our good buddy Trent. AKA 'The Pinoy Cowboy' I have known him since I was 13 and we worked together at a Christian Conference Center (ha!) He was my housemate for years in SF, and is a FANTASTIC WRITER! He publishes 'Strange Tales of an Unreal West' and I have copies for friends, so if you are a fan of Sci-Fi Western Noir Pulp (and who isn't!) let me know and I will get you a copy! :)

Sassy Suzy posin' it up in Delores Park on a gorgeous SF afternoon!

We get to FI just as the bus is leaving! :( Still had time to grab my favorite peoples Suzanne and Russel for a quick pic! :)

Bryan (Rum Dummy) and Jamie (Squirrely) on their HONEYMOON! FOR REALS! They got married the weekend before in LA! Congrats guys! :D

Girl drink drunks. . . .

Bryan channels Isaac from the Love boat.

These are a few of my favorite things. . .

Pinoy Cowboy meets Macadamia nut Chi Chi. . . good luck ordering that in Texas my friend. . .

Suzanne and Mig looking awfully bright eyed and bushy tailed for Sunday morning!

Can't wait for next year! I will definitely get a seat on the bus . . . I need someone else to be in charge of time management once the rum starts flowing!

Good times people. . . . :)

On 2008-10-14 22:40, Haole'akamai wrote:

On 2008-10-14 07:30, martiki wrote:

It was so worth getting up at 7:15 that morning so Chicken X could come to be...

chicken X was up at the crack of dawn making those eggs!

[ Edited by: inkylouise 2008-10-17 09:42 ]

I am MOST bummed that I missed meeting Chicken X and her amazing deviled eggies!!!

Love the photos. :D

Thank you guys for bringing the ZAZZ!


dang...looks like big fun was had by all...a must for next year!

but i am bitter about seeing those shots of 'Rum Dummy'...he's got better facial hair than me!!


Creepy face switch Big Toe!

this picture of james a.k.a. Tikibars is very unflattering.....i feel it should be removed immediately from this thread, for as a wiseman (wiseguy?) once said.."it not only makes james look bad, but whoever posted it as well".....

hanford, please remove this pic from this thread.....james deserves better than this...



The point of the picture is to point out the look of extreme distress one makes when drinking a Volcano at Trad'r Sam- one of the worst drinks ever concocted. (Although it wins points for accurately recreating the taste of children's chewable aspirin) You'll note my pained expression in a similar photo.


[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2008-10-22 15:44 ]


I've had one of those drinks, and I'd say that given the circumstances, James looks downright suave.

On 2008-10-15 23:39, aquarj wrote:

Martin and Rebecca taking a moment to soak up the atmosphere of a TC nite in the Vic's dining room.


Randy, your pictures are amazing! What camera are you using?

On 2008-10-15 00:12, Bora Boris wrote:

I don’t know what we’re looking at but I like the picture.

My money says you were looking at Thomas Kincade. My face still has that "whathe...?" expression.

Jacqui(sp?), we went to find you to offer you a ride home after the bus Saturday night, but poof! you were gone in the night! If you, or Midnite or Camper or any other citydwellers, ever want a ride back from Forbidden Island to the city some Wednesday, let me know. I generally go there straight after work in Menlo Park, but I go home to the city afterward.

Mahalo nui loa to everyone who was involved in pulling this crawl together. It's always an amazing time, and we had an absolute blast. I was especially tickled to get to see so many friends from out of town. The Crawl is the best way to see all the tiki that San Francisco has to offer. If there's one thing I love, it's sharing new tiki experiences with people.

p.s. Inky is my favorite cranky chicken.


On 2008-10-19 17:32, Haole'akamai wrote:

On 2008-10-19 16:27, martiki wrote:
the look of extreme distress one makes when drinking a Volcano at Trad'r Sam- one of the worst drinks ever concocted.

Ain't that the truth; it actually gives The Quicksand a run for its money...

Congratulations, Thayer, you are now officially one of the KoolKids™. Hooray for you!!!


On 2008-10-19 20:42, Humuhumu wrote:
Randy, your pictures are amazing! What camera are you using?

Hi Humu, thanks very much! Not to get all technical, but those are all taken with a Canon 40D and a Canon 28mm f1.8 prime lens, wide open at 1.8 and 1600 ISO. We got it around last Christmas and have taken over 7000 photos since then (!!?!). Give a new camera to a couple tinkerers with a 3 year old, and that's what happens.

While we're on the subject... Inky, your fisheye pics were great - the flash with the sort of vignetting effect puts some kind of magical zip in those (must be the zazz?). Also, croe67 some of yours have beautiful lighting, especially at Trad'r Sams (I think?).


While we're on the subject... Inky, your fisheye pics were great - the flash with the sort of vignetting effect puts some kind of magical zip in those (must be the zazz?).

It's all in the ZAZZ and remebering to take the lenscap off. :)


On 2008-10-19 15:42, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
this picture of james a.k.a. Tikibars is very unflattering.....i feel it should be removed immediately from this thread, for as a wiseman (wiseguy?) once said.."it not only makes james look bad, but whoever posted it as well".....

Hahaha, nice one Dave.

(For those not in the know, the ever acerbic Tipsy McStagger is making reference to a time when he was asked to remove a supremely unflattering photo of yours truly from a thread about one of my book signing events. He complied with the request, but we all knew he'd find a way to seek revenge!)

That's it! Next year I will be there no matter what!

Here's Suzanne and I at Trader Vic's Emeryville in all our splenderous plumage.

Thanks Boris!!
Happy Nude Year to everyone, everywhere in the world!!! May YOUR colorful plumage shine bright this year.

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2009-01-01 14:42 ]

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