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Tikiyaki visits Kon Tiki in Tucson Sat May 9th

Pages: 1 2 replies

tikiyaki posted on 05/09/2009

Me, Marty Lush and Jon Paul from the band will be out in Tucson at the mighty Kon Tiki Saturday Night, May 9th (tomorrow nite !).

Any local AZ TC'ers wanna meet up and hang with us...we'll be there for dinner and cocktails.

C'mon down !

Mrs Bamboo posted on 05/09/2009
  1. Give Louie a big hug from Mrs. Boo and a smack on the head to Marcos for not sending any recent baby pictures. Kon Tiki is cool.
tikiyaki posted on 05/09/2009

On 2009-05-08 22:41, Mrs Bamboo wrote:
8) Give Louie a big hug from Mrs. Boo and a smack on the head to Marcos for not sending any recent baby pictures. Kon Tiki is cool.

Will Do, Mrs Boo !

BTW....Are you recovered from last week yet ?

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