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"Tiki's B-Side" 10/22/2011 Phz, Az

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The Bikini Lounge posted on 10/18/2011

October 22nd in cooperation with The Grand Ave Festival, The Bikini Lounge announces its 1st annual contribution to all things Polynesian with “TIKI’S B-SIDE” a day of artists music and all things great!

We are a little place, and that day we have moved it outside to make room and to enjoy the weather. Carvers, Painters and Musicians will accompany a well-stocked tiki bar on the patio. This year’s shows all in one day.

-Nilla to bring some of his latest prints, and live carve an ice tiki…YES! Ice, I know Phoenix. No prob!
-Blue Voodoo Tiki Art to bring his current pieces and carve out front.
-Tom Cooper and Sakioa Painting…
-Signature Mai Tais in coconuts, and Primo on special!

We have updated our "Locating Tiki" post, and will have soo much more to follow.

The Bikini Lounge

[ Edited by: The Bikini Lounge 2011-10-18 15:51 ]

The Bikini Lounge posted on 12/22/2011

...The saga continues. I would like to thank all of the friends that helped and the artists that participated in the B-Side festival, it really doesn't happen with out you guys!

A tremendous success indeed, the Mai Tais, music and all things creative flowed. We pulled a permit to create a patio for the day. Sakoia donated a bar, we cracked DOZENS of fresh coconuts, with a grill fired up with some treats for the remaining senses.

An amazing 1st annual and the plans for next years in place, will keep you posted!

Thank You,
The Bikini Lounge

A warm October day as we set up Tiki consumed the GrandVelt corner. Tom Cooper Aft going for a trio of available paintings. Mahalo Mark fore, carving away.

A peek in the back before the shenanigans ensue...

That my friends is a first for me, and Surfside IV's Nilla...(Big thanks to T-Ray, Surfside's front man for Dee-jaying inside as well! You guys get it!) A little dialogue with one of your artists finds a ice carving background and... Wallah!

Something about this is a bit romantic. All artists sold as well, that table of prints emptied by nights end, Mark sold half a dozen carvings. That's what its about!

Rad little bar served us well, PRIMO went bonkers even supplied some quality swag! Indeed, That is Wes in a dress!

Something important being said I'm sure.

Sakoia working on one of his mixed medium tropical paintings...NOT a tagger! Just brilliant!

As you came to the back door...

Top Cat, one of our regular Djays kept the Martin Denny and Ventures alive out back while T-Ray worked the interior.

Your the man Tom, 14hrs worth...

In the 11th hour, Mark your a serious trooper!

NEVER enough room for all the rad bikes that hang in this place!

I did say dozens...divine!

A peek from afar at the "oasis" reveals a large canvas that one of our dear friends and artist let us borrow to screen a rather wonderful DVD he put together of old obscure surf, tribal, exotic film ever witnessed! Thank you Steve!

As grainy as this photo is, it best depicts an early morning close. Dozens of great helpers, a community of artists that are real, that care about what little history Phoenix hangs onto, and give time and energy to the cause. We couldn't do it without you!

Keep up to catch up with this New Years. This forgotten place hasn't ever muddled drinks or sold mugs (yet Smiley :)) but we do give away a different artist designed champagne flute with a beverage to first 100 or so on New Years, these are quality, ink print-work on glass, no plastic. So keep your eyes peeled!

Million thanks!!!

The Bikini Lounge

[ Edited by: The Bikini Lounge 2011-12-27 11:26 ]

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/22/2011

Great to see Tiki events rockin the other states!

Q-tiki posted on 01/06/2012

What Chuck said...

Great times for all, I'm sure! Thanks for the pics.


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