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Tiki Central / General Tiki

what's wrong with you #!@$%!s ?!!?

Pages: 1 20 replies

To all:

Stop calling people names on the forums. It is never called for and never, ever helps the situation. I hate to have to make rules like this, but I can't believe how often people resort to it.

If someone rubs you the wrong way, feel free to tell them, but don't call them names. If you do, you'll be punished. I'm serious.


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-07-10 15:49 ]


Well, I'll be a m****ing son of a bh! I apologize most sincerely for that time I called [your name here] a tt.


Stop calling people names like Hanford Lemoore (or TikiSneezy, TikiGrumpy, and all the screen names)? Man, you're such a Hanford.

Haw haw. Ok, maybe not so funny - I know you were making a serious point about the other kinds of name-calling.



I hope it wasn't me that prompted this scolding. I'll try harder to curb my hostilities. Sorry, just in case.

does "dick-end" count?

Yeah, Dick-end counts as calling someone a name.

I am extremely pleased that we have someone like Hanford who moderates this forum. I have never met Mr. Lemoore but we are all lucky to have a level headed and somewhat conservative chap with a good idea of common sense to keep the masses happy by keeping the exceptions in their place.

I am not sure what post prompted this thread but I think its great that Hanford tries to run this board like a business and not a halfway hobby.

Glad that you had a strong opinion on this one Hanford.

It is my privledge to participate in your group.

P.S. This would only be considered brown nosing if I had something to gain from it. I have nothing to gain from this!



"Forgive me Father for I have..." Atomic?
I believe I made "fun" of a screen name and set the firecracker off. For this, I apologize...but it is July, and this tends to happen.
I am, I announce, not the "playground name caller" just someone with an opinion about small business owners...and, yes, I'm not weak with debate...and yes, sometimes very "harsh" with my delivery. Need to work on that, but it worked well in college. Most were eager to return in a mature fashion.
Hanford, sorry for the rumble....I promise to switch to decaf...well, maybe.
Mrs. B !@#$$%&???

No, It was me, I called somebody a bitch.
Well, This is a great forum, and I wouldn't want to stoop to anyone’s "educated debate" to jeopardize it.
Hanford, thanks for your tolerance and a great forum.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-07-10 22:52 ]


Shame on you for calling someone a bitch. Bad behavior, I guess.
So, when is our play day?
Aloha...live and let live..and let's get past the "bitch" stuff.

Hanford for President!!

Sorry Hanford, I've thrown out the odd choice word recently and should wash my mouth out with soap.

shuffles away guiltily

Trader Woody

I have the right to defend myself, rather it be with words or my S&W 10mm that I carry.

It already says you're from Mississippi under your name, you don't have to restate it in your post.


Kahukini - you are very naughty.

On 2003-07-10 21:55, Mrs. B wrote:
"Forgive me Father for I have..." Atomic?

Wow, I got a quote! I'm offline for a week and I miss all the fun! Naughty, naughty, childrens...

"Liberal" (tee hee)

"Progressive" (haw, same thing)


Hey folks, I just heard about the new 10mm S&W vibrating butt plugs, great for anyone that can no longer be satisfied by the old 9mm variety, though i'm not really sure how you cound use one to defend yourself.


On 2003-07-11 16:29, limptiki wrote:
Hey folks, I just heard about the new 10mm S&W vibrating butt plugs, great for anyone that can no longer be satisfied by the old 9mm variety, though i'm not really sure how you cound use one to defend yourself.

ahh, for self defense you need the S&M model..


Surely you didn't understand the spirit of the announcement I made, because your comment is waaaaaaaay out of line. There's no room for insults here. I'm serious.

And to all: I don't mind jokes but apparently they undermine the seriousness of the message here. Topic locked.

Pages: 1 20 replies