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Polynesian Rec Room

Pages: 1 12 replies

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 07/22/2003

This weekend at a garage sale I bought a nifty book put out in 1961 by a Canadian plywood manufacturer with plans for six different theme rec rooms including a Polynesian room. I've posted photos and text here:



tikifish posted on 07/22/2003

I have that book, though I lost it somewhere, although not before sending BigBro photocopies of the Polynesian room. Maybe I left it in the photocopy room at work!

I just bought another on Ebay to replace it... if I find the first I will sell the 2nd. It is very cool! And not to easy to find. Good score.

woofmutt posted on 07/22/2003

Those photos are great (the bamboo wall grid is an excellent idea). I am a little confused about the illustration of Richard Nixon holding the girl (possibly Julie) on his shoulders...We're they implying that he was Canadian?

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 07/22/2003

On 2003-07-21 18:22, woofmutt wrote:
I am a little confused about the illustration of Richard Nixon holding the girl (possibly Julie) on his shoulders...We're they implying that he was Canadian?

It's clearly a rubber mask. Maybe it was Hallowe'en.

tikifish posted on 07/22/2003

I was going to make a silly joke about every tiki room needing a sewing nook, then I remembered Humuhumu's room! Which was awesome! So maybe every tiki room DOES need a sewing nook!

tikifish posted on 07/22/2003

.. and I'm not quite sure how 'The Tavern' is for 'Lovers of the Traditional'.

It frightens me.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 07/22/2003

I'm frightened by the "kiddies' corral" (veal fattening pen?) in the western room.

MTKahuna posted on 07/22/2003

Those rooms were great....
A home decorating nightmare.

I bet they were used for some type of torture... Hence, NO windows & No doors!

[ Edited by: MTKahuna on 2003-07-22 13:47 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 07/22/2003

On 2003-07-21 18:22, woofmutt wrote:
Those photos are great (the bamboo wall grid is an excellent idea). I am a little confused about the illustration of Richard Nixon holding the girl (possibly Julie) on his shoulders...We're they implying that he was Canadian?

I bet after a few zombies, Dick can play a "mean set" on those bongos.

emspace posted on 07/22/2003

Hey Sweet Daddy Tiki, welcome! I posted after your "New members" intro too, but thought you might not see it...

Your pics from the plywood promo rock, it really takes me back to genuine Canadian Tiki rec rooms/living rooms I knew as a kid. What's that clinging to the bamboo in the last image on page 2 though? A fluffy koala doll? A buffalo's ass? Anyway, what a great find.

aloha, emspace.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 07/23/2003

On 2003-07-22 16:52, emspace wrote:
What's that clinging to the bamboo in the last image on page 2 though? A fluffy koala doll? A buffalo's ass? Anyway, what a great find.

It's a plush koala. There are two climbing the bamboo divider. You can also see them in the picture at the top of page two.

emspace posted on 07/23/2003

Hmmmm....I guess Australia falls within the realm of Oceania. I'd rather see a quoll ( http://home.mira.net/~areadman/quoll.htm ) though.

:), em

tikifish posted on 08/18/2003


I have a copy of this book for sale up on Ebay now... I still havent found my original copy but I feel confident it's in a moving box somewhere so I can part with this one...

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