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Tiki Art Show December 28th - !

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Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Alex Gupton
Brad “Tiki Shark” Parker

It’s n’ ART-OFF! -

Da’ Artist who sells da’ most ART gets to STAY in da’ GALLERY, n' da’ artist who sells less... DON'T !!!!

YES - Brad "Tiki Shark" Parker ...and 'some other guy'
It's a Two Man ART show at the Kona Oceanfront Gallery
Dec 28th,

5 to 9PM.
When “The Art of Detail”
Meets “Low Brow Tiki Art”

• FREE Food & Drink,
• FREE artist REMARQUES on each piece sold.
• FREE Art give-away at da' end of da' night!

Big Mahalo!

M E L E - K A L I K I M A K A SALES for you at...


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