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Some "Ship" riggings for the Hale Tiki

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Basement Kahuna posted on 09/05/2003

Here's a clipper ship shroud line I just finished hand rigging for the end of the bar at the soon-to-begin Hale Tiki. Shots are during it's making and then the finished product. The blocks at the bottom are circa 1900. The rope is #1 grade Manila.

tiki_kiliki posted on 09/05/2003

Very nice BK! Very nice indeed

RevBambooBen posted on 09/05/2003

oh Bondage, up yours! Arrrrr!

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/05/2003

Can do, big boy.....

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/05/2003

Hey, Ben...I've been busting Brad's chops to go ahead and fly you guys out before you get too busy. I'm gonna come help you if I can for a couple of days while you and Al are in Augusta.

RevBambooBen posted on 09/05/2003

I'm gonna come help you if I can for a couple of days while you and Al are in Augusta.

You betta be there! What's Augusta like??

Atomic Cocktail posted on 09/05/2003

BK, Very cool.

Now Brad the BC needs some Belaying Pins so guests can wack each other on the head during "Mutiny Free-For-All Happy Hour".

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/05/2003

Roughly a 600,000 person old money southern city; (lots of "career" golfers, cute little dolled-up yuppie couples, and trust-fund babies puttering aimlessly around in knit polo shirts) -a wanna-be Atlanta, but we are blessed with a somewhat hip downtown (lots of bars, resturaunts, live music running all the way from hardcore to bluegrass, squats, art galleries, etc., sort of like a poor man's Austin, Texas). About a third of Augusta is Medical, and about half the doctors in the southeast train here, so it's a good place to have a heart attack. There is even one area where there are three huge hospitals within two blocks of each other. Next to a big, slow river. Atlanta Vic's 2 hours up the road.

Octane posted on 09/07/2003

looking good Bk as always. Hale tiki is very lucky to have you helping out. here is an idea i'm sure you could do. if Brad is going to serve beer from a tap you could buy a gaint fork and spoon tiki set and cut the tikis out and tap them, screw them down as the handle to the tap. that will give the bar a little more tiki to it.

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/07/2003

That is a very cool idea...

The rigging is great. Things are really coming together well I think.

RevBambooBen posted on 09/08/2003

Yo ho Yo ho,

Brad- E mail C'Al with any specs. I'm off my new computer till the 20th. After that, I'll be real fast! (I'm now on a 28.8 pac bell and, it still works!! sort of.)

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