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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace

Seeking Carmax Tiki

Pages: 1 1 replies

Hello! I am seeking Carmax Enterprises Tiki mugs (or anything else they made). I know they made tiki mugs for Kon Tiki, Tahiti restaurant, and some other places in Tucson. They made some other ceramic items as well. I am also interested in any information about Carmax Ent as well as Steven Howell. I tried to get tikitucson's attention on here as it seemed like they might know more, but was unable to get a response.



Also: This is my first post. It seems that when I created this account it inherited a previous users messages.

[ Edited by Thanatos on 2022-11-20 10:20:04 ]

The above message was posted by me. For whatever reason the server gave me the Thanatos account and I no longer have access to it.

Thanks again!


[ Edited by Thanatoast on 2022-12-03 11:13:51 ]

[ Edited by Thanatoast on 2023-12-13 21:28:54 ]

Pages: 1 1 replies