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Star ceiling, open ceiling ideas

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mike and marie posted on 01/16/2025

Thought we'd make a thread on the topic of ceiling treatments, especially those that make the ceiling look anything other than, well, a ceiling: star ceilings, night skies, thatch roofs, fake outdoor views, etc.

Started commenting about this on O'Ghoulihan's Fugu Lound, but didn't want to hijack that thread, and also figure this might be good to hear from TC builders in general on this topic.

In the old Treasure Island Room, the lo-tech star ceiling that we built out of black posterboard and LED string lights was good for its time (we did it what, nearly 20 years ago?!), but looking back now it's probably the one thing we would have done differently if we could. For one thing, lowering the ceiling by a few inches and with a posterboard drop ceiling makes it harder to hang more lamps, and lamps are one of the big things we've been creating recently. It's also a big area, like 25' by 15', and that's another consideration we had to deal with -- looking back, we probably should have just painted it all black and used a projector, but of course those kind of night sky projectors didn't exist when we were building it. We're also concerned with longevity, we're finding that a lot of those LED projector lamps that were so popular in the 2010s are now failing, and they don't make 'em anymore, and so we're having to find new solutions there too.

Anyway, would love to hear people's thoughts, ideas, experiences in this department...

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