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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

First Hale Tiki railpost! Need Many! Can You Help?

Pages: 1 8 replies

pablus posted on 10/03/2003

Do you get 42 hours a day?
I couldn't do that guy in 3 lifetimes.

But I have access to lots of sound system stuff for atmospherics.
Any need for that?

Also, JJ, who went with me to the Mai Kai, owns a palm/bamboo farm and has already promised that he can supply a LOT of plants that will survive fine up there.

Make sure Brad gets a place with some dirt - or whatever you call that red stuff up thar in Jorja.

PolynesianPop posted on 10/05/2003

BK, that's a really tempting offer. However, if I could carve like that then I wouldn't be spending my ass on buying tikis -- I would just make them myself! I'd love to help you - really. But my carving skills just don't cut it (pun intended). Very nice pole though... (I bet you hear that a lot :lol: ).

Traderpup posted on 10/05/2003

The folks at Oceanic Arts carve a master, and use a duplicating device to carve copies... kind of like a giant key cutter. They can either be purchased, or homemade. The first link even shows Tikis as an example of uses for the home-built machine:




Maybe there's a woodworking shop in your area with such a machine you could use?

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

If you have 5400.00 to blow and only do tikis 42 inches long and 9 inches in diameter that would be a wise purchase, but most of what I do in tikis are bigger than that. OA does a lot of masks that way and probably their shields. Xerox carvers would be good for doing my weapons, but I'd have to sell a lot of weapons. I don't know if there is a cabinet shop around here with that kind of tooling. But I will that is a very, very 'poppin piece of tiki bar you have created. I applaud you, sir.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-10-04 20:07 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

I moved the photos over to my BK carving photos post....Thanks to those who responded. (It was worth a shot to test the water...fishing for assistance on this thing is a tough go)..

Jungle Trader posted on 10/05/2003

BK, man, it would be an honor to work with you or Gecko. I don't even come close to what you guys can do.
You might consider just looking for a carver in your area. I don't think it has to be a tiki carver necessarily. Someone who is already familiar with woodcarving could do a tiki with some practice. Just my thoughts.

Octane posted on 10/05/2003

sorry BK, i can't do it either, i have no time, with school. i'm also having trouble finding good wood close to me and i don't think i have the skills to match something you carved.

keigs20 posted on 10/05/2003

BK I would love to help but I have never touched a hammer and chisle. You have a style all your own I would hate to try and duplicate it. I would probably make a fool of my self. Good luck!

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/05/2003

I'm locking this one to save TC airspace...thanks again to all who responded but no pressing need, just sort of testing the waters. The pics can still be found on my carvings page.

Pages: 1 8 replies