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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

mrtikibar's humble attempts

Pages: 1 13 replies

mrtikibar posted on 10/23/2003

This is the only one that I spent alot of time on. It came from a pretty large hunk of alder. Dramatic lighting sure helps.

Does this guy remind anyone of a particular infamous politician from the late 60's early 70's. Not much carving was done as this piece of driftwood already had a chin and nose.

This presto log sized tiki has a worm infestation. After I carved him I found a small pile of saw dust streaking down from a tiny hole in his right eye socket. I wonder if the stain I recently applied will kill him?

kctiki posted on 10/24/2003

These all have distinct personalitis. The first one looks like he's ready to come to life.

[ Edited by: kctiki on 2003-10-23 17:35 ]

purple jade posted on 10/24/2003

Yeah, that lighting effect is great!
Hope you can save the cute little guy at the bottom. Maybe you can train the worms to help you make tiki flutes!

Jungle Trader posted on 10/24/2003

That's Spiro Agnew.
What do I win?

mrtikibar posted on 10/24/2003

Spiro! You nailed it. You win a Mai Tai at the Alibi or mrtikibar's basement lair plus one free tax consultation.

seamus posted on 10/24/2003

Great stuff MrTikibar. I keep meaning to drag some driftwood home for carving. Hell, theres piles of it two blocks from my front door. Maybe I can come up with a Nixon for your Agnew.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/24/2003

HAHA! Where's Kissinger?

Jungle Trader posted on 10/24/2003

Not laughing at you Mrtikibar, or your work. Just the reference to Nixon.
I'll take you up on the winnings.............next summer.

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/25/2003

Neato...Keep on chiseling!

tikitony posted on 10/25/2003

Wierd you should bring up Spiro Agnew, I just carved a small tiki necklace for a "Spiro" who ordered one for me, he even wanted his name carved in it.. how bizaar. Driftwood, a lot of the carvers started off there, Lakesurfer and I did, I guess thats only two.

Tiki Diablo posted on 10/25/2003

Hey, driftwood sounds alot better than wood from the dump. Keep carving.

tikitony posted on 10/25/2003

whatch you talkin' about willus? I gets my wood from the dump too!

seamus posted on 10/25/2003

Are you guys serious? Do you really find palm trunks at the dump? That's cool. I'm always dragging crap home from the dump, but we don't have palm here. Anything good and carvable ends up in someone woodstove around here.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/25/2003

I was at the dump this last week about 3 times. As I was unloading some foliage on one trip I saw some nice foot wide palm trunks that looked dried out. 2 pieces about 7 ft. I figured I had to make one more trip and since the place wasn't real busy that day I'd grab it on the next round. Came back it was gone. Doooh. I think the tractor just pushed it away.
:music: Anotheronebitesthedust :music:

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-10-25 10:51 ]

Pages: 1 13 replies