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Ever Carved Bamboo Roots GECKO.???

Pages: 1 5 replies

Benzart posted on 01/23/2004

Gecko, I know you have lots of bamboo there. Ever carved any. Here is a carving I ran across from the root.
I bet a wild haired tiki from bamboo root would be nice.

Lake Surfer posted on 01/23/2004

Now that is wayyyy cool!

GECKO posted on 01/23/2004

howzit braddah Ben,

Ya, i agree, those are pretty cool. I have never tried to do anything that small. It would have to be done with probubly a dremmel?

Hey, there you go Ben! that shouldnt throw out your poor back brah! But i'll tell you wat will throw your back, digging them
F&^%ers up! the roots are like cement tied in knots! i wanted to get one for a house plant.

brah are you carving again yet? stop sitting around making excuses cuz! eh, if bad ass Leroy from Oceanic arts is still carving after all these years you should to! I love your work. Come join us! wipe da dust off those chizles braddah and get on da WAKA(Maori fighting canoe) and join us.


Benzart posted on 01/24/2004

Thanks man, I wish I still had all my chizels.When it got to the point where I couldn't hold em anymor , I sold em all in disgust and to keep from beating my head against the wall. When I quit carving wood though,I worked for a Jewelry outfit carving wax models for Nature Chess set Pieces. That lasted 1 year before I had to quit. I still have some of those tools left and may try some Tikis to hang around the neck. In about 2 weeks I should be ready with an Internal Tens unit that should let me crank it up...
Here's a couple Clocks I ded in pewter I realise these aren't Tiki, but hopefully my next pieces will be.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-01-23 19:19 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 01/24/2004

you are truly a great artist

Benzart posted on 01/25/2004

This root is fairly big, about 16 inches wide. The stalk is about 6 In. This probably came from Bali or nearabouts. You can see they split the root in half with a chain saw, but the carving looks done by hand. Those guys ar some natural born carvers.

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