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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Higi's Drunken Scrapings

Pages: 1 18 replies

McDougall posted on 01/27/2004

Carved from Walnut (the browner ones) and Mahogony. I call #2 Frank, wanted a mug out of BOT and it was on ebay, went for over $500 so I carved my own, not as nice but it will have to hold me. That one and the "Godfather" #3 are drilled for use as valve covers on a Tiki Cruiser, the others are drilled to be amulets, all just a couple inches tall. They are drying right now awaiting polyethelene(sp), I am a newbie and always mess up the finish so I'd thought I'd get a picture first.

[ Edited by: mcdougall on 2004-01-27 04:35 ]

McDougall posted on 01/27/2004

How I get that picture to show up here. That is the shuttlefly url I created so I could post the picture, don't understand that bbd stuff. ?

Benzart posted on 01/27/2004

Open your Pic on Shuterfly.
Right click on it and go to the bottom and click "Properties"
In the middle area there is an "Address(URL)".
Right click that and choose "select all" which hilites the whole address.
Now right click the hilighted address and choose "copy".
Now go back to your post and before you insert the image you just copied, type in" ![]( " without the"". Now right click right past the [img]and choose "Past". you will see that address from shutterfly on the screen. Now typt")" minus the quotation marks and you have embedded your image. just scan it over to make sure your brackets are going the right way and I'll wait for the Picture.If this does'nt help see "Uploading and embedding images in the help file for more help. Hope it works for you.Those letters to type in art
Just go to the Help file above and https://tikicentral.com/faq.php#embed go to Uploading and embedding images and see the brackets

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-01-26 19:37 ]

Raffertiki posted on 01/27/2004

How I get that picture to show up here.

You are not alone. I haven't been able to get a picture to post since I've been here. Do you have a Mac as well with a single-button mouse?

Benzart posted on 01/27/2004

Mc Dougall,
When you get thenlink"Copied" from Shutterfly all you do ispaste it in the message of your reply and put the
![](in front and) in back. submit and there it is

Benzart posted on 01/27/2004


On 2004-01-26 20:48, Benzart wrote:
Mc Dougall,

  1. View your picture on Shutterfly (or whatever website the picture is uploaded to).
  2. Use your mouse and "right click" your pic.
  3. A menu will open. Choose properties (left click).
  4. A properties box will open. There will be a web address (a URL, starting "with http://") to that specific pic.
  5. Right-click on the URL and choose "Select all", or triple-click it.
  6. Right-click on the selected URL and choose "Copy".

Step three. Embedding

To embed the graphic within your message, just paste the URL of the graphic image as shown and include the BBcode around it, like in the following example (BBCode is in red).

In the example above, the BBCode automatically makes the graphic visible in your message. Note: the "http://" part of the URL is REQUIRED for the [img] code.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-01-26 20:57 ]

McDougall posted on 01/27/2004

I dont see what is in your X's. The part I can't figure out. The help file says
(BBcode is in red)

are listed in red with url in between.
What are ? Do I just type that in? What is BBcode? I have the html for the picture and have cut and pasted it no problem...
My head hurts.

McDougall posted on 01/27/2004

McDougall posted on 01/27/2004


McDougall posted on 01/27/2004


pablus posted on 01/27/2004

Open any post with a successful photo in it. Hit the edit button. Copy the ![](stuff and replace what's between that and the ) with your photo's url.

Swanky posted on 01/27/2004

McDougal, edit your first post, not adding more. You must put square brackets around img and then the http stuff and the /img in square brackets after the image url.

McDougall posted on 01/27/2004

Carved from Walnut (the browner ones) and Mahogony. I call #2 Frank, wanted a mug out of BOT and it was on ebay, went for over $500 so I carved my own, not as nice but it will have to hold me. That one and the "Godfather" #3 are drilled for use as valve covers on a Tiki Cruiser, the others are drilled to be amulets, all just a couple inches tall. They are drying right now awaiting polyethelene(sp), I am a newbie and always mess up the finish so I'd thought I'd get a picture first.

[ Edited by: mcdougall on 2004-01-27 04:30 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 01/27/2004

Can we get a moderator? I wanna see these now...

Someone help the brother out by editing his post... he's almost got it :)

Jungle Trader posted on 01/27/2004

![]( then your url then ) to you too

Now back to my 6 ft. sandwich!

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2004-01-26 22:57 ]

Kono posted on 01/27/2004

[ Edited by: Kono on 2004-01-27 03:29 ]

Your link's bad. No pic there.

[ Edited by: Kono on 2004-01-27 03:30 ]

Benzart posted on 01/27/2004

McDougall, That is finally a good picture. Those are some Interesting looking Tikis, seriously, keep it up,I think you "Got a Knack" for it.
Now I gotta help jungletrader with that 6 ft sandwich..

McDougall posted on 01/28/2004

Tony Montana was carved from a 20x10x2 inch piece of knotted, mottled Walnut. Was fun watching the really cool grain patterns come out even if the Tiki came out so so and I messed up the finish...again. I left the back of it as I found it, all mangled, and like the contrast between it and the finished side.

Tiki Diablo posted on 01/28/2004

Damn, the scale on the first ones really threw me.

Pages: 1 18 replies