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Tiki Central / General Tiki

***Tickets for the SF Tiki Crawl Tiki Bus SOLD OUT!***

Pages: 1 2 replies

martiki posted on 03/13/2004

Read about it here:


[ Edited by: martiki on 2004-03-26 23:10 ]

martiki posted on 03/15/2004

Bus over half full already! Get on board!

martiki posted on 03/27/2004

The Tiki Bus is SOLD OUT!!

Thank you to everyone who is on board. We're going to have a great night. For those of you who didn't get on the bus, please join us at our many stops as we crawl across the bay area all weekend long. Just please remember to use a designated driver, public transportation, or (shudder) stay sober.

Mahalo to all! Only five days left until Crawl Mania sweeps the Bay!

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