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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving


Pages: 1 1 replies

MutantTiki posted on 06/23/2004

I searched on here, and didn't find a reference to this site, but I thought I would pass it along.

In my never-ending [never-finished] quest [obsession] to create [obsess over] my tiki-bar [moneypit], I stumbled over this site.


I thought that the prices on fake palm and bamboo trees were pretty good (not to mention the bonsai, although not specifically "tiki".)

Once my OA catalog shows up, I will compare prices, but I might be buying a few things.

Feelin Zombified posted on 06/23/2004

Very cool site. the prices seem competitive too, at least compared to where I bought my palms here in MI.


Thank God The Tiki Bar Is Open
Thank God The Tiki Torch Still Shines...

[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified on 2004-06-23 14:39 ]

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