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Mele Kalikimaka HH Cruise of LIghts

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Bamboo Ben's evil twin, The Reverend Jackass strikes again! :wink:

All are invited to the Stentiki Hut for food & drink even if you are not going on the cruise. You can head straight to Sam's after the party and we will meet you there after the HUNTINGTON HARBOUR Cruise of Lights.

Now tell them the story of the Reverend Jackass, Ben so that everyone doesn't think I'm an A-hole!!!

I will post current info and directions this weekend.


Uncle Arty

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-11-22 21:58 ]

I still have 1 ticket. I'm going to pass out wrist bands at 4:00 am. No lining up prior to 3:00 am. I will then select a number and work up from there.

(who needs a ticket that can easily be exchanged for some drinkage at Sam's)

Thanks for the 'happy birthdays' folks. I'm looking forward to a fun night at Sam's.

Are you old enough to drink yet?

I go to Sam's. No cruise. I sit in fountain with Lapu drink and play with little monkey I get, while sipping. Lucky need spanking for B-day!!!!

TikiBelle and I will meet you guys at Sam's afterwards. Looking forward to seeing you all.


Hey Arty,
A big CHEERS to Tina from the Bamboo Ben Tribe for not having to drive to San Berdo any more!! I bet she is way stoked!! I might try to pop by your pad or Sams but I get sea sick and have a fear of boats, so the cruz is out.

Mahalo, Ben!

Man, word travels fast! You must have spoken with your old punk rock friend, Nancy. Tina is totally psyched and now we can get back to the beach lifestyle.

Hope you and the Mrs. Boo can make it.

Bax, I'm turning fifteen, but I look old enough to drink so it'll be okay I think.


Yeah, and I'll be 21 on the 19th!

Sabu and I will be at Sam's but not the cruise. I will just be gettin into town that day, and sorry folks, I want Sabu all to myself. See you all at Sam's!!

We want Sabu
We want Sabu
We want slabu
We wanna you too
Come on now nobody got all tickled pink last Monday when I turned 43
That's right Dec. 9th 1959
Damn that's old
Don chew were-E spiko I bi u a dwink if day card u u no haffa were-E

43 Bax? geez, I thought you were older! Must be those "saw dust facials" and that "12x 20 work out program!" Or is it that we just feel older from the work we do? I was just saying it yesterday (i'm getting to old for this) while taking 5o trips up and down (wait 100 trips) a spiral stair case with a full bed and many Bamboo trimmings! Ooops, I forgot the tools!

So if it rains, does the cruise still go on?

You bet your ass it goes on! Even if we gotta swim the harbor ourselves!


Hey Bax,

Another Sagitarius!

I'll be 39 on December 19. I decided to count backward now since I turned 40 last year. I figure I'll be dead by the time I'm 0.



Happy Birthday Bax and Sten! The countdown is on, just two days till Sam's. I'll have finially sobered up from Trader Vics just in time.


I'm gonna paddle your ass 43 times with a fried bratwurst.

Happy Birthday!

Ga-damnit! I wish I could make it to this gig. A Tiki Bong sausage lashing is something I've always wanted to see. Maybe next time....


RAIN?? Who's afraid of a little rain?? Besides, I think we'll have plenty of warmth if we're all packin' flasks, eh? Personally, I will be spreading the Gospel of "Licor 43" (originally bestowed upon me by His Holiness, the Right Reverend Johnnie Velour). Partake - you, too, will join the converted...

How long does everyone expect to be at Sam's? I might actually be lucky enough to sneak out of my other gig early so I can drop by.


Our ETA at Sam's is about 9:45 PM. I think we'll be there until at least 12:30 PM. Sam's will likely stay open until we vacate. I warned them that we were coming!


At least until 12:30 PM?? That's Sunday afternoon!! Damn, you guys are SERIOUS!! I'd better bring a change of clothes and a toothbrush...

A Tiki pajama party in the hidden village?



You got that right!

Geez, there are so many pages I lost trac of when this is all going down. Next Sat.the 21st, right?

The Party is tomorrow, Ben. Hope you can make it.

Saturday, December 14, 2002
5:00 PM Food & Drink @ Stentiki Hut
7:45 PM Leave for Huntington Harbour Cruise
8:00 PM Board Shuttle
8:30 PM Cruise of Lights
9:30 PM Disembark
9:45 PM Meet the Rest of the Tribe @ Sam's Seafood
Party 'til 12:30 PM Sunday! :wink:

We'll have plenty of rum on hand and a batch of Trader Vic's Rum Punch from the Grog Log.

Li's Egg Rolls
Marinated Chicken Wraps
Fried Rice
Steamed Rice
Macadamia Nuts

Uncle Arty

"I do not shun adventure if it comes my way"

  • Thor Heyerdahl

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-12-15 16:22 ]


Aloha to everyone who came out last night to the Stentiki Hut, the cruise and Sam's Seafood.

Tina and I had a blast singing loud annoying songs on the bus and boat with Al & Shelly, Bax, KuiKuiNut & the kekes, Bong, Traderpup, Dr. Z & Z Girl, Floratina, Weezer & Chrissy, and Wes & his crew! TC rocked the boat!

It was also great to see Bamboo Ben, Chiki, Crazy Al, Sabu & Wife, Lucky D, Lapu Rocker, Weird Uncle, and of course Polynesian Pop (thanks for taking us home, brah!).

Many mahalos for all the wonderful gifts, designated driving, good company and good laughs.

You guys are the best!

Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka,

Arty and Tina

Ahhh Mannnnn!!!
Chiki and I went to Sam's while you's were cruzing. He had to bail to get Mrs. Chiki. I was gonna stick around but, I got scared because they were hosting some sort of "Butch Dinner"! Sorry for bailing but I did'nt want to get my ribs bruised again!
Uncle Arty and the Mrs., Mahalo's for the Happy Hour! Cool pad.
Benboo Bam.

Yes, many Mahalos to Uncle Arty and Tina. A very nice pre-cruise party. You house is also nicely done.

(I'm taking a nap now)

Thankyou guys for openning your house to all. You have to love people with multiple bars in their home.


Sam's is just a blur to me now. T and I polished off what was left of the grog at about 2 a.m. Bad idea. My Mele Kalikimaka turned into Jingle Hell!

Good times.



Thanks again Tina and Arty from Kukuinut - You two are quite the hosts and loved your pad! It was great to catch up and Tina I'm so excited for your promotion. As always it was fun to see the TC Clan. Next time we get together we'll need to plan only one event a day Santa-con drained the energy of the core, but it sounded like a blast.
Until next year Mele Kalikimaka to all!

KukuiNut and Clan (as always thanks for including the family too!)

[ Edited by: thebaxdog on 2002-12-16 07:50 ]

Well, I got lucky and was able to find a way to get to Sam's. Had a blast as usual with the So Cal TC Posse. Thanks Arty & Tina for the private tour and the order to go. Li's eggrolls are the best!

BTW Arty - Talked to the Mrs and guess what? There's a possibility we might end up becoming neighbors...we'll see what things look like after the holidays!

Mele Kalikimaka to one and all from the Popster.

P.S. Did anybody take pics? I forgot my camera!

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-12-16 07:55 ]

PolynesianPop wrote:
BTW Arty - Talked to the Mrs and guess what? There's a possibility we might end up becoming neighbors...we'll see what things look like after the holidays!

Coming to The Huntington Beach area with me, TikiBong, UncleArty, & BambooBen?
How close? How soon?


P.S. I with I could have made this trip, but I was still recovering from nasal surgery ::sniff::


Hey Pop!

Excellent news! We'll keep an eye for places in our neighborhood and let you know what's out there.

I took a few pics that I was trying to post but for some reason the images do not show up. I think the file is too large and I need to reduce the resolution. I will post them as soon as I can.

Once again, thanks for the many mahalos. I'm with you, Bax - just one event where we can all hang and not watch the clock! These good times always go by way too fast.



Here are a few pix from the pre-cruise happy hour. Most of us were pretty hammered by then so images are distorted and faces contorted. I regret that I did not take more pictures, especially of Bax, Sarah, Chiki, and the dapper Trader Pup in his very swanky suit.

I also took of a couple of pix of the Stentiki Bar with the very cool Suffering Bastard gift from Trader Pup. Many mahalos to you, Pup. You are very generous and may the Tiki Gods be with you!




[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-12-16 22:45 ]

I looked at the video I shot on the bus/boat and it is too dark to make any suitable video captures. TCers were their usual boisterous selves...what do we do when we get on a bus? We sing. Loudly. It just happens. We get in line at the harbor and carry on. Loudly. Bong comandeers an innocent roll of masking tape lying nearby and runs it around us in a ring to cordon us off from the normals. The harbor guy was not pleased to see his office supplies abused so wantonly.

Is it my imagination, or did they put us on our own boat? There was room for others, was there not? I swear they left 'em on the dock for their own protection.

Once on the boat, there was more hearty vocalising. Passing vessels were greeted with a community shout of "Happy HULAdays!". More miscellanous singing. The highlight was Shelley's rousing rendition of "Barnacle Bill The Sailor". Some guy that was working on the boat comes up to us and says, "If someone tells you to keep it down, don't listen to 'em." Very sporting of him.

The bus ride back to the shuttle stop was humourous. Bax stopped making out with Bong long enough to editorialise on the driver's technique by hollering out, "It's Mr. Toad's Wild Ride!!" We all cheered and it seemed to me that the driver continued piloting in similar fashion because we were egging him on.

Uncle Arty and Tiki Ti have a gorgeous home. They had yummy pupus and that Trader Vic's Punch is really good! They even had some Voodoo Spiced Rum there. I always wanted to try it and it's better than that damn Captain Morgan's. The Captain really chews, in my opinion.

This cruise was a really good idea, Arty. Let's do it again next year, just not on the same day as Santacon!

[ Edited by: floratina on 2002-12-23 13:38 ]

While I missed all of that retardedness, I did manage to make it to Sam's. Here are the pics that I've been promissing.

This is the inside of the main dining area. Note the huge tiki sporting the stuffed bird on his head

From L to R: Sabu, Tikibelle, Lapu Rocker, and Z girl. Lapu is drinking a blue 'Mai tai' that our bartender, Jeff, very appropriately named the Tiki Central.

Carved tiki behind a booth.

Bong throwing a shacka while Al scares the kids.

Another seating area. You can see that it's done in a very late 40's kinda style with the old air travel ads on the wall and the teal tuck and rolled booths.

(l to r:) Arty, Bong, and the Doctor

A blurry picture of a hidden tiki in amongst the foliage. You can't see it but in order to appease the gods, Bong gave up one of his smokes to the tiki.

A tiki? and some junk from the basement of Sam's. It was super dark down there so the only time we had light was when I took a picture. Thanks to Jeff for the tour of the basement.

Another pic from the basement. Sabu told me to take it even though I still don't know the relevency of the piece. Sabu?....

Me with a huge spray painted tiki across from Sam's at the end of the night.

Way too much fun, we'll have to do it again, soon.


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2002-12-23 14:22 ]



Once again, great recap of the happenin's on December 14! I was lost in the fogcutters that Jeff made and the Trader Vic's punch knocked me out!

The Voodoo Rum was a gift courtesy of the "Notorious B-O-N-G...thanks, brudda Bong!


Cool pix but wat up with the "retardedness" statement? I prefer to think of us as "socially challenged."

Good times but a lot to squeeze into one day.

Thanks for the memories.

Mele Kalikimaka,

T & A

I'm sorry to have been so politically incorrect. Or maybe I should say politically retarded? Either way....

No problem, Lucky D. Gotta keep it all good!

I'm off to Tahiti!

C-ya in '03!




This sounds like it was really fun.
Someone should revise this.

Cruise of Lights

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga 2013-12-06 14:05 ]

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga 2013-12-09 08:29 ]

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