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Snapshot of Don the Beachcomber Sign In Hawaii 1940s

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Bora Boris posted on 07/25/2008

From what I found doing Phone book research it looks like the The Wan-Q went Full Blown Tiki in 1970 click and scroll.

*Edited because I can't spell Scroll.

[ Edited by: Bora Boris 2008-07-25 13:43 ]

tikiyaki posted on 07/25/2008

Just keepin you on your toes Sven :)

Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/25/2008

also, the old manager of chicago trader vics used to work at the seven seas back in the day and ray from tiki ti started out at other tiki bars (tonga room?) before owning his own place.....

bongofury posted on 07/30/2008

Great stuff everyone! Here is a shot from one of my favorite South Sea films "Hell's Half Acre". Lots of interior shots of a Polynesian bar that I believe is Don The Beachcomber's as he was "Technical Adviser" on the movie, all shot in Honolulu & Waikiki. No Tiki mug on the table.

From a group of photos I got on ebay a few years back...filslash believes it is from The Tropics...

Not sure what that square mug is...

Phillip Roberts posted on 07/30/2008

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-20 20:43 ]

Babalu posted on 07/30/2008

bigbrotiki posted on 07/30/2008

Great screen grab, Ron!

Swanky posted on 07/30/2008

Well, I guess that makes them both Tiki bar pics as they have tikis in them...

bigbrotiki posted on 07/30/2008

Right, Tim, just like these places are for all the other folks who do not care to differentiate:



Swanky posted on 07/30/2008

We all have our black sheep. :wink:

tikiwinebear posted on 07/30/2008

Sorry for the derailing of this DTB photo thread, but I ran across those two Tiki statues on Ebay yesterday... http://cgi.ebay.com/Kitchy-Wood-Tiki-Polynesian-Figi-Hawaiian-Figurines_W0QQitemZ280251262811QQihZ018QQcategoryZ29460QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
This is certainly not my Ebay listing, but had to chuckle when I read the description of the Tikis... "Up for auction is a pair of wooden carved tikis from Hawaii, Figi, Polynesia....I am not sure exactly where they are from. I got them from a guy who owned an antique store. The pregnant tiki is 7" and the other tiki (father/ mother & child) is also 7" high. The width of both of them is 2.5". The only thing is the one that is pregnant is missing a couple of toes but as you can see in the picture is does not detract AT ALL from the overall funkiness of these two tikis."

Wouldn't the Ebay seller love to know that the "mother & child" was actually a cannibal and it's victim!!!

Here is a picture from the Ebay auction:

Now, back to the DTB pics!!! :D

Pakalolo Man posted on 08/28/2008

Found an interesting auction (not mine): "34 VINTAGE PHOTOS DON THE BEACHCOMBER - HAWAII"
Already $99 - ouch... too pricey for me, but whoever wins, please hook me up with those high-quality scans :)

Here's a couple of 'em...

And there's Donn himself...

As an added bonus, there's a twist about the original owner... I had to laugh at the last line of the auction description: "Superb album with historical ties to an ex-con."

[ Edited by: Pakalolo Man 2008-08-28 23:55 ]

Dustycajun posted on 10/29/2008

Here are a few more Don the Beachcomber Luau scenes I came across as I was researching the locations for my other thread.

This is a great one of Donn getting ready to party.

Some scenes of Donn at the Luau.

Phillip Roberts posted on 12/30/2011


Is it just me, but does the annoyed guest on the forefront right look like Robert Young?

Bruddah Bear posted on 12/31/2011

On 2011-12-30 14:52, Phillip Roberts wrote:

Is it just me, but does the annoyed guest on the forefront right look like Robert Young?

I think it's just you. :)

To me he looks more like Brad Dexter...


Tiki Slob posted on 01/01/2012

That is way cool. Nothing like self promotion, huh? I was there this past October in Kona. Here is what the sign looks like now.

RevBambooBen posted on 01/04/2013


Is that Dr Z licking his finger??

Pele Paul posted on 05/30/2013

wow great pix!! never get tired of looking at these photos!!!

TikiTacky posted on 06/05/2013

This is fascinating stuff. I'm curious when Don Beach first started using ceramic mugs. Was it his coconut mug? When did he start? Would that be considered the first precursor to what we now know as a tiki mug (non-tiki in form, but sharing other aspects including material, theme, and purpose)?

TropicDrinkBoy posted on 06/05/2013

I think Trader Vic used ceramic drinking vessels before Donn Beach. None of the early Donn beach menus I've seen depict ceramic. Trader Vic patented his original skull mug in 1939.

I've also been wondering who devised the first communal tropical/tiki drink. once again I think it was Trader Vic. Many are photographed in the 1944 Life Magazine article, search books.google.com for Victor Bergeron or Trader Vic. Certainly the first famous one is his Scorpion Bowl. When did a Don the Beachcomber menu include a communal drink?

tikicoma posted on 12/15/2014

While researching the Martin Denny/ Jimmy Buffett connection, yes you read that right, I ran across this photo of Denny and Duke Kahanamoku outside the International Marketplace. Thought you all might want to see it.

aloha, tikicoma

Jeff Central posted on 12/15/2014

:0 :) :) :) :)

RevBambooBen posted on 12/16/2014

Some of my relatives hanging out...

hang10tiki posted on 04/04/2017

Saw this slide reproduction on line

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