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Orgeat syrup????

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I googled and found this kinda itneresting.

Is Monins Almond the same as Orgeat? Online I see Almond(Orgeat) listed in the UK, but in the States I only see Almond and it does not appear to be creamy in appearance it looks more clear.


On 2004-04-28 18:49, kick_the_reverb wrote:

One thing I noticed about the Monin, is that the Orgeat is so strong, I have to use less of it, otherwise it overpowers the drink.

Wait a minute...orgeat is not supposed to be strong. There's no alcohol in Orgeat syrup.

Tikimug - I used to get the "Orgeat" in Israel, and I have an "American" Almond. They look the same. Creamy off white, not clear. There's also a small bottle in the store that says Almond and Orgeat, and I'm planning to get it to verify that it is the same.

Virani - I meant taste-wise, not alchohol content. Martiki mentioned how bad it was to taste the Orgeat by itself. It's a very strong taste. When I used it in drinks back in Israel, I was thinking - "I either hate this drink, or this is just too much Orgeat". If you're drinking a Mai Tai that only tastes like Orgeat, it must mean that there's too much of it in the drink.

I hope we'll get all our answers at the Oasis "underground" mixing sessions.



in spain, you may be able to find HORCHATA (spanish) or ORZATA (italian) syrups. i'm pretty sure it's the same stuff as (very similar to) orgeat, just different languages.

I suspect it is...after I spent months looking for Orgeat in Israel (and finding Monin), I discovered that the nut/dried fruit/spice store that I used to go to had at least 2 or 3 kinds of localy made "Rozata" which I learned was what Lybians use to drink (which means it's an Italian thing...) I never tried any of them, as I was pretty sure Monin was of higher quality.

Klas posted on Sat, May 8, 2004 12:55 PM

On 2004-04-22 23:59, martiki wrote:


Torani and Vic's: $4.75
Monin: $12.50

So my feeling is, if I can find it, if there's some around the house, great- I'll use the Monin. But Torani is definitely acceptable and a third the price.

To me the price isn't an issue in this case as I mainly use orgeat for the Mai Tai which only calls for 1/4 ounce. A 70 cl bottle Monin Orgeat costs around $10 here which is enough for making 93 Mai Tais! :)


I have found that the Fee's orgeat syrup is just as good as Trader Vic's. I have ordered Trader Vic's products, but the shipping is very expensive to Massachusetts! Fee's has been a family owned business in Rochester, NY since sometime in the 1800's. If you call them on their 800 number, they will ship directly to your house. If you order a case you get a discount, and you can mix and match. I think a case of 12 bottles cost me around $43. There was no additional shipping charge. If you ask they will send you a drink recipe book as well. Most of the restaurants in the North East use Fee's products, and there are actually some pretty good maitais in this area!

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