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my Tropicals don't know it's Autumn

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Is anybody else enjoying an explosion of flora?

My Bananas grew about a foot in the past two weeks (plants I mean) The Hibiscus look like a New Years Float, the Princis Plants still have lots of purple, The pinapple actually got ripe and fell off.

The Ferns and Norfolk all seem huge and robust.

It's wierd as I'm almost never home during daylight, but it's like a visual smorgasboard today.

Anybody else having such a fine yard full?

Me too Gigantic man. It's nice we are having a real autumn. Mild weather, the plants think it's spring. This is the best year yet. Usually we go from cold to hot or hot to cold with nothing in between. It's been an exceptionally great year for mild weather, in the Central Valley of Cali anyway.


You guys are lucky, what landscape we had was flattened by Wilma.
I'd love to see pix though??

Gigantalope ~ Zone Envy strikes again! i'm a lazy novice gardener, but i didnt want to risk my new patio plants! so i had my husband move plants around..

here in seattle, 2 weeks ago, my banana was brought indoors (and its still putting out leaves). my brug (trumpet plant) was still flowerimg, but after reading a bit, i decided to force into dormancy in the shed. the tiny bird of paridise is still doing fine on the patio, under the eaves. some of my garden pots dont have drainage (the ones with the passionflowers) so i've put Glad press n seal wrap across the tops.

the patio looks so bare. i cant wait for spring..


Dogbytes........Silk for the winter! Feelin your pain. Nothin but blossoms here. Could be worse, could be in Idaho or Colorado.

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