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My Belief System Shaken - Mugs That Were Intended To Be Planters...

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In another thread, Doctor Z was just remarking about finding that tell-tale hard-water line in a tiki mug that shows it was used as a planter at some time by a previous owner. I think we've all found them. I always shake my head and say, "Crazy Fools. What were they thinking!?" (or something G-rated like that).

Now I discover that I was wrong all along!?

Did anyone else see this auction:

Dang! (or something similarly Disney-style), I've been drinking out of a planter all this time! Don't I feel like an idiot.

What if we've got this tiki-mug thing all wrong? What if we've contaminated a perfectly good horticultural-fad and twisted it into a laughable rum-drinking cult? What if the Book-of-Tiki was all a bad guess? I need an affirmation, brethren! If I'm not reassured soon, I'm going to put a seedling in my Frankoma War God while I sip a Mai-Tai from my favorite Bauer Flower Pot.

Wake Me Up From This Bad Dream!!!!

Sabu The "No Wonder My Polynesian Village Glass Tastes Like Miracle-Gro" Boy


`bu, it gets worse: y'know the giant clamshell we've been using for Scorpions all these years?

Um... it's actually part of a fountain...

Sorry, braddah...

it's a dirty job, but somebody had to do it!


I want the Chia Tiki for my shop!!!!! ;}

holden has gotta do a limited run shecky for this purpose don't you think???

On 2003-11-24 23:49, Futura Girl wrote:
holden has gotta do a limited run shecky for this purpose don't you think???

i'd buy one.


No, no, everyone know those glass monsters are supposed to be candle holders! At least, that's what the lady at the flea market told me. I laughed at her then, but then when I tried, it, DAMN, they DO make good candle holders!!! The face lights up!

I, for one, welcome our new horticultural hobby. Next stop, tiki scrapbooking!


What will be next, Tiki Needlepoint?!


Futura Girl...your a marketing genius! That is so funny! I would buy one!
Here's a link to where we have talked about cross stitching and needlepoint... http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=2188&forum=5&7Like these?

Here are the links to these patterns

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-11-25 09:14 ]

My roommate brought me a mug she found at a thrift store -- we could tell it had been used as a planter because there was still dirt inside and someone had drilled a hole in the bottom! Fortunately, it was only a Harvey's bucket. I'm now using it as aquarium decor. 8)

dressing the tiki on your front lawn in different costumes for halloween, christmas, easter...


I really like the Chia tiki. What the hell's wrong with me?

Absolutely nothing. It's a special limited edition Chia Shecky, everybody wants one.

I have one of those fat goblet style tiki mug/glasses and I use it as a planter for a spider plant. The leaves of the plant are very long and hang down over the tiki's face, making him look like a wild headhunter. Why do I have a feeling that I should feel shame in admitting this...


to further confuse you:

I've got one of those goblet boxes, and on each side it shows it being used for different things: holding candy, a drink, a plant and i think a candle too

Swanky posted on Mon, Dec 8, 2003 7:49 AM

This sort of thinking just came up as we looked at mug designs for Hukilau 2004. My first thought was, "it will have to be made bigger so that it will hold the correct number of ounces for a drink." Then I realized, no one is ever likely to drink from this mug. It is bound for the shelf collection. That was an odd moment. When did it happen? Who made the first mug that was not meant to be used, but "collected"?

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