Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki Beach Burn July 17th - Who's In?
Post #100654 by Tiki_Bong on 07/09/2004
Ah yes, the annual OC Hoiti Toiti Beachburn is upon us again! This should/will/might/could/possibly be the funnest gig going at that time on that day. Once again it's JULY 17th. Show up at the predesignated spot whenever (although Baxdog does some wild stuff later in the evening (?)) you want as our spot will be manned from 6am. Bring any item you think might be entertaining: frisbee, kite, horseshoe, 9V battery, mayonaise, prior year's W-2's. Also, bring some sort of over-sized digging utinsel for the tiki sandcastle contest (hey, Baxdog's offering $1,000 for first place). Remember - Be Safe and file your income taxes on time. Sincerly, Mr Tiki Bong I |