Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki Beach Burn July 17th - Who's In?
Post #102042 by crazy al on 07/16/2004
crazy al
BURN BABY' BURN! An Offering to Pele?????????????????????????? post bids here............... the savior of this sacrificial tiki must paypal before 12:00 AM Sat July17 to al@tikimania.com or bring cash to the S.Cal Bch Burn BooCrazy BenALi' Tiki #1 is 32" tall and weighs 35ish lbs? It was born off cinema magic during the filming of Cherry Capri's short film of me carving a tiki.... http://www.lottaliving.com/natpe.shtml COULD BE YOURS????? IS THIS MOTH DESTINE TO THE FLAME???????????????????? [ Edited by: crazy al on 2004-07-16 00:55 ] |