Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki Beach Burn July 17th - Who's In?
Post #102203 by RevBambooBen on 07/17/2004
"I wish this video had some explosions. That would be cool." "Heh heh henh hmm heh. It does have some explosions. Heh henh hmm." "Fairies grant wishes. Huh huh heh huh hunh." Beavis & Butthead Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn Baby Burn!! Burn Baby Burn! Tiki on fire!!! Just Burn it!!! (still trying to get Nike to sponser this!!) Burn everything in site!! Fire Good! Fire God!! Tiki God!!! Burn!! Burn this, Burn that, You's better watch out so Bax doesn't Burn your Butt Crack!! Fire! Fire! Fire! Huh huh huh!!! Mothra will live!!!! Plaster Palm Tiki will Die! Bamboo Burns Hot! POP Corn You's GOT! Burn, Burn, Burn!! Duck and Cover!! Cry for your Mother! Burn, Baby, Burn!!! |