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Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki Beach Burn July 17th - Who's In?

Post #102266 by thebaxdog on 07/17/2004

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thebaxdog posted on 07/17/2004

Yes, my TIKI Brethran
It is I TIKIFRK And I am up drinking coffee and getting ready to march down to HB
That's right at the end of BEACH Blvd.
One of the lifeguard stands that has #15 on it.
Yes, I do this so that we TIKI CENTRAL Hoity Mo fricken Toity's can have the THE ULTIMATE BURN PIT.
This year, no wood and I mean NO WOOD will leave the beach, unless it is in your pants!!
Now forget the Gold bond and BURN you fricken Bitches BURN.
By the way BEN and AL, that Mothra tiki is some kind of f@#$#@ed up shit!