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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / My tiki stuff on ebay

Post #1073 by bigbrotiki on Sun, Apr 28, 2002 11:56 AM

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I understand, that's why I wrote "...I guess forced by e-bay hit statistics,.."
And I am not knocking e-bay, we've already talked about all that, it is very beneficial for Tikiphiles that live in Tiki-dry zones.

And the irony is that that annoying e-bay lingo that labels tons of stuff "Tiki" though it really isn't (just as certain new books that have almost no "Tiki Drinks" in them, or way too much non-Tiki art from Melanesia) is in some way perpetuating the cheesy aspect of 50s/60s Tiki Culture, like the "Tahitian Mask" on page 187 of my book.
The same goes for ripping off Tiki design (Target just did it again with Bosko's Tiki canoe) which was very prevelant back then, too.
So why do I not find that just as funny?
Hmmmmm... I guess in my case it has to do with putting out this fat book that pretty much defines the style and still seeing people not getting it, or ignoring it to make money. But who am I to judge that...the whole damn' Polynesian pop phenomenon was based on commercialism....
..it's just nice if a little art happens as a side product of commercialism, which seems to be less and less the case nowadays, with everything becoming stripped to the bare lowest cost neccessities.
...I'm just rambling here....