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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Fishless Ponds

Post #109944 by Gigantalope on Tue, Aug 24, 2004 8:28 AM

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Tyger Jymmy

The "Floater" you describe, is that a filter for the surface? Are these just popped in a pool and turned on, or do you just "Float it" periodically, like vacuuming the living room?

I like the in-line filter idea. Most of what I would expect to get in the pond would be yard debris, and some dust. I hope that when finished this will be attractive, and like the thought if the filter being hidden. I like the idea of only having it on when I'm home.

The filers sold for the Koi Ponds I described are pretty costly, which was discouraging.

Thanks for the great ideas, for some reason I hadn't thought of looking at a pool or spa store (It cracks me up when they go out of business, and they are turned into an A-frame cell phone store with a pool in the front)
Big Lots pool stuff too is a great idea.
