Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / If you were famous
Post #110010 by Sabu The Coconut Boy on Tue, Aug 24, 2004 1:40 PM
Sabu The Coconut Boy
Tue, Aug 24, 2004 1:40 PM
I would like to fully endorse the TIKI BONG by WHATCO. The TIKI BONG is the ultimate brain teaser with over 3000 changing patterns and countless strategies to baffle even the most experienced players. The TIKI BONG leaves your breath MINTY FRESH and contains absolutely NO CARBS. It is digested smoothly and encourages regular bowel-movements. The TIKI BONG is approved by over 23 Yogurt manufacturers and works with most electric ICE CREAM makers. The TIKI BONG has been wildly successful in foreign markets where it has been alternately marketed as "Le Bong","Chips Suisse" and "David Hasselhoff". With the optional MENEHUNE MODULE, the TIKI BONG can play countless variations of the song, "LA MACARENA". Which makes it a sure hit at parties and funerals. The majority of complaints against the BONG have been made by confused consumers who have tried to use it for purposes for which it was not originally intended. As an ANALGESIC. It conforms only to its own standards and cannot be counted on to conform to those of others. The TIKI BONG does not always PLAY NICE, but it does PLAY FOREVER, (at least with the optional extended warranty). The TIKI BONG is intended for women between the ages of X and Y, where "X" is an obscure variable used in the sport of "Algebra" and "Y" is difference between 3 and 4 cocktails. TIKI BONG now comes in an AEROSOL that gets into your hair much more effectively and is almost impossible to wash out. The TIKI BONG has personally changed my life and it can change yours. I know there are other members of this group who can attest to its MIRACULOUS POWERS. (No monetary or sexual payment was provided in exhange for this endorsement. Any monetary or sexual favors exchanged were soley the express purposes of mutual enjoyment and are protected by law.) Sabu |