Hello all...
Last month or so has been a real pain, with all the hurricanes, no power, having to throw out all the condiments I had been collecting 'cause the fridge didn't work, etc.
On the bright side, we stayed alive.
On the no-so-bright-but-still-pretty-damn-bright side, the Tiki hunts have been VERY successful.
Most are from thrifting, though a few have been from flea markets, an antique show or two and an odd eBay score.
Here goes:
A Hawaiian Inn mug or two, 2 Hawaii Kai mugs, a Trader Pangs black thingy from Hilo Hatties, 2 cool Xmas ornaments from Universal Studios, a tiny couple of Westwoods, a CocoJoes #257 and oops a Panther PEZ that I just had to show off (check it out Humuhumu, I hoped you can appreciate what a find it was for only $3).
From the first picture, the maiden mug is from the "Tiki Club" in Thibodaux, LA. It has a sticker on the back that I have not seen before:
2 Coconut Willy's mugs, a Karate Punch mug and another Westwood. I went into a thrift store and saw the Malware head and grabbed it for a couple bucks. Almost missed the Marquesan wooden tiki just below it.
A cool little lamp. Made in Japan. Mood lighting for the bar...
Same thrift store, different day. Felt something staring at me. Entitled "Tahitian Beauty" by JH Lynch. Now she stares at me all the time. Kinda creepy, but well worth the $15...
A sweet Percy Faith album, the other Karate Punch mug, a Tapa cloth frame and a Daga Molokai Mule mug.
A pair of handpainted Tapa and woven reed placemats.
A pair of Matsonia menus from 1962, an unmarked green mug, an oil lamp (missing the top, though - see TikiQuest p160) an odd little shot-glass thingy and two tall glasses, one with nude maidens embossed (seen these before) the other with guys on it (not seen that one)...
Thats it. I'm spent (literally and figuratively)