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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Disneyland Pele tiki mug - can somone pick one up for me?

Post #118790 by MakeDaMug on 10/09/2004

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MakeDaMug posted on 10/09/2004

In all sincerity Limp at $122 and if you live... I dunno... in Georgia for example... add the cost of travel plus the cost to get into Disney plus the cost of the mug plus the cost of a hotel room and perhaps a rental car... and you've made out like a madman Limp or maybe that Dumbass did. At $122 plus shipping, I think that might be a $200 savings +/- to $2000. Unfortunately, the mug's available exclusively at the Disneyland Park.

So in return, you might say "hell, that's the time of my life stuff goin' to Disney and such and I'll pay that money to have that good time"... or, you might just say "f'it, I just want the mug"... it's all a matter of perspective. Run quantity... likely very limited.


[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2004-10-08 23:43 ]