Joined: Aug 22, 2002
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On 2004-10-11 08:27, Tiki-Toa wrote:
"Hi! I'm Fishstick. I'm a graduate Ontario College of Art, but now I work as a copywriter at a big bad advertising agency. I'm really quite a nice person despite all that, and I like avocados a lot. Thankyou."
"Note: this illustration was swiped from Michiko (whose fabulous drawings can be found at http://www.michiko.com). I altered it some to look like me. May the gods of copyright (and Michiko) have mercy on my soul."
So Jane what I gather here is that it is not ok to copy pictures that you copied from a book, BUT it is ok to take another artists image change it to look like you and not ask permission. I think I need help with this, is this double standard? I can understand your being upset about someone hotlinking to your pictures but you took an artists art and changed it, if that was Shag I wonder what would happen.
Three really big differences here:
Tikifish is not seeking to gain anything financially through the use of this graphic. As a matter of fact, it's kinda buried at her site.
Tikifish completely fesses up in clear plain text right next to the picture that this graphic is borrowed from Michiko, and even directs people to Michiko's website.
Most importantly, while Tikifish makes with the funny about Michiko having mercy on her, my understanding is that Michiko actually has given her okay on Tikifish using her graphic.
That's all a world away from a lazy seller stealing Tikifish's text and pictures.