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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / kahiki food story

Post #122141 by Hale Tiki on Wed, Oct 27, 2004 7:38 PM

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20 miles in the cold and wind, I trekked bravely to the BULK FOOD WAREHOUSEEEE!!! Upon arriving I found myself surround by restless natives. They all scurried about, bumping into each other. They were mostly white, and mostly trashy. Wild ratty blond haired women ran about me as I trembled in fear, screaming at their "children." Unfettered, I continuted my journey, through the valley of clothing that had brand names that no one has EVVVERRR heard of. Past the AILSE OF DOOM!!! (Known as the place where they sell massive dangerous power tools to the nascar natives) Behind a massive plastic red and white light up tiki statue of some kind surround by other light up animals with horns, I could see the icy tundra of THE FROZEN SECTION. As i walked steathily through the jungle of steel and bulk size, a crafty old witchdoctor offered me one of her "samples." I refused, knowing that it was just a trick to lure me from the prize. A massive frozen glass door stood in my way, which I opened with ease, by repeating the chant "Mecca lecka hai, mecca heiney ho," and using the handle. There it stood, the treasure I had stumbled upon was Kahiki brand General Tso's Chicken, only $8.99. I thought it too good to be true, and took it home to cook. Upon tasting the Kahiki chicken, I knew my trek was not in vain, for the chicken was AMAZING.

My sincerest apologies for the narrative. I was bored after dinner. So for those of you that don't know, SAM's Club, and I'm sure other retailers carry Kahiki brand General Tso's Chicken. It was really good. I was impressed. It was better than most chinese restaurants. So, I'm sure everyone knows this by now, but like I said, I was bored. Hope my story could entertain you, and if you didn't know about Kahiki brand food, now you do.
