Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / What's the weirdist thing you've ever done to someone
Post #128110 by cybertiki on Tue, Nov 30, 2004 6:03 PM
Tue, Nov 30, 2004 6:03 PM
I had a friend named Arnie who was a real mama's boy, and who was in search of the perfect girl (meaning one that his mother would approve of). He finally found the girl of his (mother's) dreams, and after months of pursuit managed to get her into the sack. Having seen her, the thought was nauseating, but there's no accounting for taste I guess. Ghods! It was like we'd never hear the end of it - after a full week of listening to his (doubtless much inflated) descriptions of the conquest, I looked up some addresses and phone numbers then called him and told him that I was from the Malden Department of Public Health, and that we'd been advised that there was a possibility that he'd been exposed to Venerial Disease, and that it was necessary that he come down for a blood test. His fear on the phone was tangible. We watched him go into our supervisors office, pale and in a cold sweat, and then (quietly) clock out and depart the building. Afterwards, our boss came out and asked who the jerk was ... he'd let Arnie go to visit the Department of Public Health in Malden anyway. Evil? Yes. It's just my nature. Cheers! |