Tiki Central / General Tiki / Hawaiian Kahuna (Da REAL kine)
Post #131459 by MaiTaiMafia-Old on Thu, Dec 16, 2004 4:41 PM
Thu, Dec 16, 2004 4:41 PM
My wife and I just recently moved into a brand-new home in Makakilo Heights on the island of O'ahu. I'm not telling you this to brag - just to give the story some essential background. We are no better than anyone and damn lucky to be able to afford a house in this day and age. It is built on a hillside looking across a draw and down onto the ocean. We wanted to get the house blessed right after we moved in. I didn't want a Catholic priest or anything like that - nothing against Catholics or Christian priests, but I figured we're in Hawai'i, on stolen Hawaiian land (that's right-stolen), so we should have a real Hawaiian Kahuna come bless the house and rid the property of any departed Hawaiians or evil spirits that might want to take up residence in my soon-to-be- built Tiki Bar! The Kahuna shows up and immediately asks why the negative energy "ovah deah"... I said "Where?" He gestures toward the kitchen and says "Deah- you were arguing ovah deah befo I get here" ... As a matter of fact, Mrs. MTM and I were arguing about something stupid before he got there - and we were standing in the kitchen. What transpired after that was way too much to go into in detail here, but I will say it opened our eyes about many things. This Kahuna is a direct descendant of Kamehameha I (he can prove it). He said the reason he became a Kahuna is because his ancestors were Kahuna's to Kamehameha, but they were the "bad kine", He has "the gift" and wants to do good to try and offset the evil his ancestors did. Any other TCers have any experiences with a Kahuna before? There are lots of strange things here in Hawai'i. Definitely makes for interesting conversation! |