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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Does Trader Vic's sell souvenirs????

Post #133661 by Atomobile on Sun, Jan 2, 2005 5:58 PM

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I visited Trader Vicks for drinks in Beverly Hills and I didn't see any sign of them selling any of the cool souvenirs I have seen at friend's homes. How do you go about obtaining any TV souvenirs? I have seen those little plastic chubby Hawaiian people at friends as well as other items. (Maybe I should have asked them, huh). What's the story with Trader Vick's merchandise? Do you get those with food orders? Do they sell stuff at the restaurants by asking? Help!...
Your friend,

"Even though your body will shrink, your mind will expand!"

[ Edited by: martiki on 2005-02-15 14:58 ]