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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Tiki Mug Misfortunes

Post #133794 by tikibars on Mon, Jan 3, 2005 6:34 PM

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I was doing routine maintenance in Aku Hall yesterday (Sunday). Standing on a chair, re-arranging the record sleeves hung along the top edge of the wall. The chair I was standing on gave way, and down I went.

The chair went flying across the room and took out two of those 12" tall Hapa wood tiki statues from KC Company. Shattered 'em.

My United Airlines tiki-framed map of Hawaii was dragged down with me, and the frame shattered into a half dozen pieces.

I landed halfway on my vintage bamboo sofa. My arm went through the bottom of the middle section, completely shattering the bamboo slats under the seat of the middle section. The cushion wrapped around my arm as it went thrugh the seat, saving me from cuts.

My rib cage landed HARD on the armrest of the sofa.

I spent 24 hours in agony, convinced that I had broken a rib.

Just got back from the hospital.

X-rayed twice, and then ultrasound.

Hurts when I breathe, kills when I move at all. Driving the Mobile Exploration Lab to the hospital (stick shift) was agony.

Good news is no broken brones or popped organs.

Just some mashed-up muscles, stressed cartiledge, and nasty bruises.

Bad news is I'm gonna be in pain for the next week or so.

It doesn't hurt unless I move... so I am DAMNED glad I got all of those DVDs around Xmas time!

It's couch potato mode for me all week, like it or not.

Anyone have an extra Unite Airlines Hawaii map (with the dense-foam, wood-like tiki n' whales frame) for sale?

Mine's wasted.

No pics of the devistation, too depressing...

Tiki is indeed a dangerous sport!