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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / New Tiki Carver Here

Post #135151 by beachin on Wed, Jan 12, 2005 12:41 PM

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On 2005-01-12 11:22, McTiki wrote:
Nice carving man! Definately take some time and look at all the stuff coming through this website. It's awesome, the talent here is overwhelming and yet, they are friendly and helpful too! keep em coming!

Here! Here! I'm fairly new to the group, as well, and have gotten nothing but positive feedback, encouragement, and friendship. Everybody here is amazing. I love the creating tiki forum, as everybody seems to be like-minded in creating art forms of many kinds.

I, myself, work with clay, but enjoy the carving aspect of that. Most the stuff I do is more 2-D in design, but I love making new personalities to join the ranks of my tiki population.

Your tikis are original and fun. Keep carving and posting pics. I'll look for more of your stuff in the future.
