Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Mr. Dale....tiki #4, "Mo Moais moving in," page 3
Post #136097 by Mr. Dale on Mon, Jan 17, 2005 10:52 PM
Mr. Dale
Mon, Jan 17, 2005 10:52 PM
Aloha all you awesome tiki freaks........ This here Moai is almost 5' tall and 20" around. I tried a lighter stain this time, I think I prefer them darker, but hey, live and learn. I also used Poly. instead of Varnish. Seemed to dry faster in the cold than the varnish did, so that was good, we'll see how lasts. It has six coats. He started life as a Montana Engleman spruce. Now he's a set jaw Maoi hanging out in the snows of Colorado. I thought a Moai would be somewhat easier....ha, uhh no. They're not. Lots of design things to 'em you don't notice until you start really looking. But still brother, just as fun. I named him "Mo". I hope you enjoy. |