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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Decided not to do it... Thanks for all of the good advice!

Post #136649 by beachin on Fri, Jan 21, 2005 12:42 AM

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I have been contacted by a guy in Florida who says he wants to buy my work wholesale. I quoted my rock-bottom prices to him, and he's still trying to drive my prices down further. (He wants to markup the items %125) Bells and whistles started to go off, so I did some research on him. He sells to the floral industry, and said he contacted me because "Tikis are so hot right now."

Here is my concern and the reason I need advice. His website proudly displays the work he has done to reproduce original vases. He has shown an interest in my work, but I get the feeling he is only buying one set in order to cast a mold and reproduce them.

  1. I don't do molds or casting
  2. I don't want him to!

Should I trust my feeling and just say no, or write to him about my concerns. I can give out his web address to those of you who can help. I'm just not about slandering anybody trying to run a business.

Times are desparate for me (we lost our home and our car a few months ago) and I hate to turn down work, but I get a really dirty feeling about his reproduction business!

Thanks for any help! Kimberly


[ Edited by: beachin on 2005-02-04 18:49 ]