Joined: Jun 19, 2002
Posts: 775
A little history in the looking back department.
May 8th 2005 will be 11 years of no drinking and no smoking(blah blah blah)
My weight over these years has gone up and down, mostly up(according to the Diabetes weight chart I am a hideous troll)
Regular doctor visits, "a little high blood pressure and you could eat less".
My Cholestrol has always been +- 170, can't explain that.
So 21/2 years ago I have Carpel Tunnel surgery, great results, blood work the same.
BUT now I'm on high blood pressure meds and my thyroid is effed up too.
OK no real lifestyle change, then 1.5 years ago I could not stay awake in the afternoon.
Sleep test shows that I hold my breath while I sleep 50 times an hour(Apnea)So I have my tonsils removed my punching bag removed and roto-rooter was called in to ream out my sinuses(very painful but would not trade the results for anything)
Allright, blood work still the same!
So the day I started this thread was a super low bummer day.
My blood work came back from my physical.
Chlorestrol 600 Triglycerides 2000 Glucose 364
My wonderful Doc. leaves a message on my cell "call me I have bad news" I could not get in touch with her for 14 hours(torture)
Diabetes type II(sorry sugerless Caddy Daddy)
Then I totally change the way I eat, one week later Sara and I go to our first Diabetes class thru Hoag Hospital and I get my new meter. They tell me I should blow a 135, well first I get a Hba1c test and blow a 13.5 (not so good)glucose reading 326 then over the next 2 days my glucose goes 253,339,182,300
I'm on the new meds, I think I am eating right so I break down.
I failed my work I failed my family and friends I am just a complete failure.
I mean what the eff is going on, I take care of everyone, work, family, friends and now I need help (I don't know how to except this)
So I post when I calm down a little bit, and low and behold with a little more time and the love of my TC family traveling thru the airways I feel much better. Thanks BONG!!
I thank each and everyone of you for your kind thoughts, I thank my wonderful wife and kids who are closer to me now than ever before.
I know I will get thru this, and those of you who know me know that I will go over board trying to be better.
My keyboard is all wet with tears (sniff choke gasp wheez)
Thanks again and now back to your regular programming(sp)
The Dog loves you all