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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Decided not to do it... Thanks for all of the good advice!

Post #140459 by sonofabeach on Thu, Feb 10, 2005 9:16 AM

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I get approched several times a month to wholesale my products.I set a price and thats it.The fact of the matter is if anyone wanted to duplicate your item it seems senseless to spend a great deal of time negoating cost.He or she would buy one and copy it.It seems this person may actully be interested in your items and is making every attempt to come to a mutual understanding and cost.Do not undersale yourself.You know want your bottom line is.However you may not want to throw away a good opportunity to future success if that is your goal.Every wholeseller attempts to get the best possible price.Some of these people are ruthless and will try everything to beat you down to their terms and conditions.Does not make them bad just doing what they do best.Buying at the lowest price possible.Let people know your products are avaliable for wholesale and a list of products priced per piece or in quanity.If someone wants one item it is one price and if they order 10 it is a lesser price.Buy 50 for a better deal.Consider contracts as well.This is where you will want to include your position on copy rights.It may not stop someone from making copies but you will at the very least have a legal document to fall back on if need be.You have to break out of the box to become sucessful.