Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / Great Tiki Show Many TC members attended Where were you?
Post #141525 by sonofabeach on Wed, Feb 16, 2005 10:16 AM
Wed, Feb 16, 2005 10:16 AM
The other day I went Surfintiki.Unga Bunga the waves were 8ft.Tiki.The Bungofury was Big kahuna.Bigbrotiki if you know what I mean.After an hour of Tikitortured We decided to swanky over to the Tikibar for a Mai Tai.Kind of hungry I had a Tikifish,Floundrrart and some Meat Tiki at the Bamboo Lodge.Word was the night before a Dreadpyrat strung out on Purple Jade washed up on the beach.Shipwreck near Cheeky Half Tangoroa.Eekatiki,I said.Did he steal the Lakesurfer or is that his Tikiyaki.Looks like a Johntiki,not Gigantalope,much smaller then The Sperm Whale.I think he Sneakyjack the boat in Tiki Finland.Had nice Naugatiki interior.No matter he is AquaZombie at this point.Satin's Sin for sure.Well! come on Bamboo Dude it;s getting near Dawn Tiki.We better Gecko and Hula Hana over to Tiki Royal for the Artistiki liabungalo Island Style.Are you still hungry?I have a Sugar Caddy Daddy if you want half.No I have half a Pairiatspaul left.This road is Rocky.Lets cut through the TikiGardner or the Jungle Trader.Are you Crazy AL.There is Dogbytes,ManicCat and BlueMoose in that Iuka Grogg.Thats the EnchantedTikiGoth.Have you gone TikiFreak.To much Kooche I guess.You been smoking TikiBong.Subu The Coconut Boy caught Tiki Killiki in there and almost Killikopela right there on the spot.Had TikiGoon and Cultjam all over his ZuluMangoo.After that he was Futura Girl in Emspace.TikiMaxton I tell Ya!Is this MachTiki I am standing in.No thats Skaz or Mambo.Chongolio look at the time.We better get CruzinTikiLike HawaiianPunch.Speaking of that I am thirsty.I could go for a PolynesianPop or a MarTiki right about now.UngaBunga your already TikiTanked.No I am Sobetiki.Look I have Idolhands.MauiTiki my Pablus itches.May be a Textiki on it.I know dogs get them.On your Kahuna.Kono I dont think so.Hey! look,My lucky day.Found a JohnnyDollar.I can buy an Atomic Cocktail.Wow! thats Rattiki Tikidude.My coconutz still itch.Do not Filslash them.You may get Virani.Thats Halabullhiki.You dont get Virani if you Swanky them.I have to Tiki Go Go like a Rodeotiki.Hurry up.We have to get to the TikiHula.HEY! Did you semus.No! What is it? Never mind,Just a Rock-a-Tiki.So we arrived at the Tiki Royal.Found a Bambooben full of nice TikiTiki.DoubleCrown and Primo Kimo.Saw a VWtikigirl take Ajab and fell right on her Basement Kahuna.Nearly knocked the Tweedtone out of her.She had a big Hula Hattie on her Traderpup.Templartiki no need to get mad.It was an accident.Went over to the BuffettTiki for a little of The Tipsywahine.Wow! What is that smell.Thats Steintiki does'nt it.Did Benzart again.Yea! he was up all night sick.Hackalugi everywhere.Looks like he is BongoZombi.HotLava flashes too.Band sounds great.I think I will ask that HulaGirl to TikiBot.Wait,check this one out.WOW!Yea but she is with another guy.You dont suppose he would want to TraderWoody? NA! stick with the kowabungaz.She is PrimoKimo.Maybe get lucky and rent a Liabungalo for the night.You will be Tikiapprentice,Bigbrotiki,SmokinDevil,Kahuna Cowboy,Bigbadtikidaddy.Lets Rock-A-Tiki.But my Pablus still itches.Forget that,wear a Nepenthes to Exnyl the Semus.I do have a TikiFlange.Thats always good when you Tikijackalope.Last time I took a girl to the Liabungalo,I got SlacksFerret.What a Shipwreckjoey that was.Take a Traderval.SuperTiki in 10 minutes.Your not going to Tikifrog are you.Your HotRodHut awaits.I feel the Powerofthetiki.I feel like a Sinner.What would my Titamom think.HumaHuma what to do.How about less Talkie-Tiki get a KreakyTiki and lets SneakyTiki out of here.Badmojoe I guess.Sonofabeach I wish I did not have this Bongofury all over my Pablus.Cant stand here all day Twowheelin Tiki.Either Bwang the Woofmutt or Tikiover. Sometimes I feel LiKe A oNe LeggEd MaN In aN ASs KiCkInG cOnTeSt. [ Edited by: sonofabeach on 2005-02-16 11:14 ] [ Edited by: sonofabeach on 2005-02-17 10:30 ] |