Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / diabetes--what the f@%#*
Post #143167 by vintagegirl on Thu, Feb 24, 2005 10:19 PM
Thu, Feb 24, 2005 10:19 PM
Don't you just hate these pesky life-changing events? I know I do. My mom was also diagnosed with the same some years ago. Her weight had been up and down, not to mention her ever-present hypertension and stress did not help. Luckily they caught it early and she is not on meds for it (but is for everything else). Meanwhile, my sister started taking her to the gym and she really did great and has lost so much and is still slowly continuing. But as mentioned before, that's just a part of it. I have to constantly stay on top of her to keep the salami and sweets out of the house. And having a supportive family can make all the difference. If my vibe from Sara is correct, she'll do whatever it takes to help her honey get more healthy and find ways to adjust. Then you'll not only be healthier yourself, but your experience will end up being a positive influence on your whole family and they'll have dad to thank for it later in life. It's a tough discovery with some hard adjustments, but you've licked some pretty big things in your life already. You've got a pretty good track record for stick-to-it-ive-ness. I believe and have faith in you, Bax. My good thoughts are sent your way. |