Tiki Central / California Events / Weird Uncle Tiki at Tiki Ti March 19, 2005!
Post #147564 by weirduncletiki on Thu, Mar 17, 2005 2:58 PM
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Thu, Mar 17, 2005 2:58 PM
Aloha, Gang! It's been months since I've been to my second home at Tiki Ti, but this Saturday I'll return! WOW! It'd be super-duper to see you there. I'll be there right about opening time and can only stay for about an hour and a half. A short time, yes, but I take what I can get. Hopefully we can hoist some Ray's Mistakes together. -Weird Unc p.s. I'm on the road and typing this from Kinkos so I won't read any replies to this until next week. |