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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / What item sets you off?

Post #150911 by Tiki_Bong on Sun, Apr 3, 2005 7:11 AM

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On 2005-04-02 22:48, donhonyc wrote:
That crooked baseball hat thing is stupid and out of date even though many a-holes out there think they are being cool sporting it. That style has seriously got to go. Also any style that young white males cop from the Gotti brothers is just sub-mental. What the hell is that hair all about and why does anybody think they're being cool walking around like that? As far as the ladies, that lame Cameron Diaz carbon copy look of blues jeans and nightie-esque top with the high heels that just about every bridge and tunnel white girl sports when they go 'clubbing' in the city is also so not cool, but of course thought to be cool by the wearer. I don't care how hot the girl is. I could go on and on and on, but just to sum it up..anybody that sports ANY cooler-than-thou style that is exactly the same or similar to anybody on MTV either needs to go OD on Extasy and/or needs a serious, serious ass whipping and I'm not kidding.

True. From a sociological standpoint, it's like white males have no culture or originality, so they must look to inner-city African-American youth for some sense of style and music.

It cracks me up in middle-upper class OC to see some cracker driving around bopping his head to Snopp, as though he totally relates to the string of words being uttered about bitches and ho's (and I don't mean Don Ho's either, cause that'd be OK).