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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / the ideal Mai Tai formula?

Post #152238 by Jawa on 04/11/2005

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Jawa posted on 04/11/2005

I had some friends over last night for a bbq and drinks. Ended up making Mai Tai's and Blue Hawaiians. Here is the way I made the Mai Tai's:

  • fill shaker 1/2 full of ice
    1 oz orange cuacao
    1/2 amaretto
    2 second pour of Myer's
    2 second pour of Cruzan Light rum (it was on sale yesterday, $17 for the big jug, 1.75L I think)
    1/2 oz lime juice
    2 oz pineapple juice
    dash of bitters

They taste great and fill up a mug nicely!