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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Creme de banana reviews

Post #152415 by JaredB on Tue, Apr 12, 2005 9:53 AM

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Before getting into tiki drinks, the banana liqueur was something that sat on my shelf and was rarely used. But now, I'm reaching for it often.

So I'm wondering if some folks out there have opinions on which is the best.

My general rule of thumb with liqueurs is to go for Marie Brizard whenever possible, after that Bols and Dekuypers are basically tied and then there's Hiram Walker, which I only buy when I'm desperate and can't find anything else.

For Creme de banana, I'm using bols. I saw a bottle of Marie Brizard at hitimes but wasn't sure if it was worth paying TWICE the price...

Also, I see a lot of bars stock one called 99 Bananas but I haven't tried it. Any opinions?

On a side note: Given that I find Bols and Dekuypers to be pretty comparable on most flavors I usually go with Bols because I like their cool old school label and bottle. Yes, I care a lot what the bottle looks like when all I should care about is flavor... I'm kinda pathetic in that respect.
And I'm sad to see that apparently Bols is in the process of phasing out their old bottles in favor of a more modern design.