Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / Driving Pet Peeves!
Post #154545 by TikiGardener on Fri, Apr 22, 2005 10:17 PM
Fri, Apr 22, 2005 10:17 PM
I'm still working on a drag co-efficient for the amount of drag that American flags place on a vehicle. It seems alogarythmic as one flag seems to really slow down a vehicle, two makes the vehical a hazard to all on the road. Similarly, I've noted an apparent relation to those chrome fish sticker thingies ( you know the mystery school symbol that was appropriated by a certain religion ) and the flagrant disregard for all traffic laws. My theory is that if one is forgiven for your sins by confessing them, the traffic laws of men do not apply to he adherent of said religion. I guess the messiah wouldn't use his turn signals. |