Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / hang-overs anyone?
Post #163712 by Kukoae on Sun, Jun 5, 2005 5:12 AM
Sun, Jun 5, 2005 5:12 AM
Oh dear, that's even less effective. Charcoal (the carbon you spoke of), being completely indigestible, basically just does some roto-rooter through the colon. I think it's very much wishful thinking to believe that the charcoal makes its way into your bloodstream and "helps the liver" do anything. I've been around to have seen all kinds of crazy things advocated to help alcohol dissipate faster, etc, etc. Nothing ever works but time. Weathering a hangover isn't the same thing of course, this being a post-binge recovery phase event which takes however long it takes. It's well known that alcohol metabolism dehydrates the body, and probably messes a bit with the mineral/electrolytic balance as an indirect result. So, I guess mixing your Mai Tais with Gatorade may be the best compromise... ... then again ... But seriously, I think being well hydrated is most of the "hangover prevention", aside from not overdoing it to begin with. =Kukoae= PS: Yes, I completely agree about the placebo effect being a significant medical phenomenon. So here's a trick for ya. Buy one small bottle of "Chasers" and ten bottles of empty pill capsules (or sugartabs if they aren't capsules), and toss the lot into some food colouring of choice to erase all labelling. Spread 'em out to dry. Agitate thoroughly to mix them all up, and then voila! Instant 10 for the price of 1! |