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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / Hurricanes Blow!

Post #171088 by AlohaStation on Mon, Jul 11, 2005 10:35 AM

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I just got back from my vacation to the Florida Panhandle. My family lives in Fort Walton and Navarre - those cities should be familiar if you have turned on a TV in the past few days.

That area of Florida is/was absolutely beautiful - white sand, emerald green water and southern hospitality. The trip started off well enough, till tropical storm Cindy drop in and washed out one day. It wasn't bad, just some wind and rain. Then the weather was nice. Later in the week came the big one - Dennis. I spent two days boarding up houses and being stuck in traffic with a bunch of panicked tourists. I packed up our stuff and hit the road back to Fort Lauderdale. Stuck in traffic again. We only hit one feeder band on the way but it was a doozy - lightning, rain and wind all trying to push me off the road. It took me 12 hours to make an 8 hour trip. Once I got home I found out that Dennis had knocked over the fence to my back yard. A few MaiTai's later and all was good till I turn on the TV and see that there is another storm taking aim at us again. Time to go to the liquor store and stock up on the most important of all hurricane supplies.

The family and I came out relatively unscathed, so I guess I should be thankful - till next time! Thanks for reading - I just needed to vent.