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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Are you Dissed by Family and CoWorkers because of Tiki?

Post #172460 by CheekyGirl on Sat, Jul 16, 2005 3:33 PM

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MM, people that don't understand that other's have an interest or hobby that differs to theirs probably have never had an original thought in their lives.

It really irks me because some people like this will talk at length about some topic or something they are interested and demand your undivided attention, yet when it's your turn to talk about something you are really passionate about--they tune out. It's like they really believe their interests are more important than yours. That ticks me off.

I'd much rather be in the company of creative, interesting people, that are passionate about something, than these boring cookie-cutter vanilla flavored people.

Gawd, conform or die, must be their motto. Damn, where would we be now if people all agreed and there was no room for argument, discussion, change or new ideas.

I agree, *uck um and their stupid *sses. Frigin' clown shoed narrow-minded *astards!